Thursday, November 2, 2017

Great success is built on failure, frustration, even catastrophe.

Do winners never quit and quitters never win? I am not a fan of this saying. It implies that if I quit I am a “loser”.

The right to fail is every bit as important as the right to succeed. Give yourself permission to quit. The grind can be a liability if you do not quit that which is not working. Our lives are full of secondary things that we refuse to give up. Give yourself permission to quit. If you have not found a passion, try lots of things, knowing that you will quit most of them.

Great success is built on failure, frustration, even catastrophe.

I am not saying a you should not dream great possibilities. We can become whatever we choose, and invariably we do become that. We are the sum of our choices. I am ever amazed at how many salespeople I meet who have huge dreams. They all can quote, if you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you got. Most keep doing the same thing over and over, If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goal, give yourself permission to quit.

I could give examples that none of us relate to. Ben Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates. Do you think they never gave up? My examples are much more personal and real. Find yours.

After you have given yourself permission.
Find your passion and give yourself the gift of done.

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