Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Way too often we just stop

Way too often we just stop, stop trying, stop caring, stop moving. By doing so, all we’re doing is sending a message to our body and mind that we’ve given up. Keep at it whatever it is, stay in motion, one day at a time, one small insignificant action at a time.

To get what we have never had, we must do what we have never done. Belief fuels enthusiasm and explodes into passion. It ignites our minds and hearts and makes us act. It fires our heart and soul. It will help us to achieve that one extra degree in business and life. It separates the good from the great.

If you did one push up right now, could you do one more? One more after that? One more? At the point of exhaustion, could you get one more?

What is your one extra degree? Find it, stay in motion. One step, one little bit at a time.

Way too often we just stop, stop trying, stop caring, stop moving.
It’s your life and your business. Do you have one more degree? One more stroke, one last turn.

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