Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Keep looking up my friends, stay loyal to yourself and carry on.

Loyalty can be defined as a strong feeling of support or allegiance.
It seems to be a lost art. Two very good friends were fired in the past few months. Both have been with the same company for over ten years. In the sales world, more than ten years with the same company is an anomaly.
They struggled thru the lean years when the economy crashed. Stuck it out when higher paying jobs were available. Loyal to a fault. Both were repaid with pink slips.
Some would say business is not about loyalty from your employees. If that is the case, I will show you a company destined to fail.
We live in a what have you done for me lately environment. My hat is off to any company who values long-term employees, not in words but actions as well.
Keep looking up my friends, stay loyal to yourself and carry on.

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