Thursday, October 12, 2017

Live long and Prosper

Everything we do outwardly is only an expression of what we are inward. To ask for anything else is as absurd as looking for apples on an oak tree. Today is the future of yesterday.

We don’t realize we are thinkers of our thoughts. We can decide what to do with them. Are they just a passing thought or are they our reality. We are stuck on these ideas so much our mind tells us that is the way it is. We lose our identity to these thoughts. The good news is, we can change them just as quickly. It is up to us to make them a passing thought or our reality.
Every thought we have had will pass if we leave it alone. Off into deep space, it goes. The choice to act or not is ours entirely.
You see, we indeed are what we think we are. 

Look well to this one day,
for it, and it alone is life.
In the brief course of this one day lie
all the verities and realities of your existence:
the pride of growth,
the glory of action,
the splendor of beauty.
Yesterday is only a dream, and tomorrow is but a vision.
Each day, well lived,
makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
and each tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this one day,
for it, and it alone is life.

Wise words from Sanskrit, written 4500 years ago and translated.

As Spock so eloquently put it. Live long and Prosper.
Remember you are always in the right place if you have the right attitude.

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