Wednesday, October 18, 2017

How do you respond to adversity, uncertainty, and pain?

How do you respond to adversity, uncertainty, and pain?

Does fear drive your actions?

One reaction is to get angry and quit. We see this every day. In our offices and schools, With our friends and neighbors. It is an acidic attitude that will consume you like fire. It will lead to crossed arms, closed minds, and destroyed possibility.

Most of the fear that grips us in these times is not based on what is happening but what we fear might happen next.

So, I ask again. How do you respond to fear, adversity and uncertainty?

This life is simple if you worry only about that which you have control. Let go of everything else. Love life, enjoy life. Do not be a hostage to unwelcome fear and what you do not have. When adversity comes, and we all know it will. Focus on what you can do. Control what you can and let go of the rest. Keep anger at bay. When the fear about yesterday or what may happen tomorrow, creeps in, take a deep breath and laugh. Remember to love life, enjoy life.

Control what you can and let go of the rest.

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