Wednesday, October 4, 2017

in the midst of a world of chaos

I remember reading one of Dale Carnegie’s books many years ago in which he encourages his readers to live in day-tight-compartments. What he means is that we should some how close our minds to the past and future, so that we can be entirely focused upon today. Great advice…but it’s hard to focus upon today.!

Let’s face it, we carry our past with us and it serves as a weight holding us down. You can forget all about running with the wind, because you’re carrying too much weight.  If that wasn’t enough, we also have a grave fear about the future. Sure things might be good right now, but it could all change tomorrow.  How can we focus on today with all that is going on?

I know it’s tough to be focused and stay focused.  I struggle with it myself, but all of us can make some progress in this area and it will make a big difference in our lives.  The distractions are sure to come, but determine that you will focus your mind on today and what lies before you.  Give yourself fully to today and see what happens.

It’s been said that practice makes perfect and the message is clear, the more we practice at anything, the more proficient we become.  So make a determined effort to focus your mind, body and spirit on today. The more you practice doing so, the easier it will be for you to focus your attention in the midst of a world of chaos.

Say it out loud – Just for Today, I will focus myself.

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