Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Way too often we just stop

Way too often we just stop, stop trying, stop caring, stop moving. By doing so, all we’re doing is sending a message to our body and mind that we’ve given up. Keep at it whatever it is, stay in motion, one day at a time, one small insignificant action at a time.

To get what we have never had, we must do what we have never done. Belief fuels enthusiasm and explodes into passion. It ignites our minds and hearts and makes us act. It fires our heart and soul. It will help us to achieve that one extra degree in business and life. It separates the good from the great.

If you did one push up right now, could you do one more? One more after that? One more? At the point of exhaustion, could you get one more?

What is your one extra degree? Find it, stay in motion. One step, one little bit at a time.

Way too often we just stop, stop trying, stop caring, stop moving.
It’s your life and your business. Do you have one more degree? One more stroke, one last turn.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Keep looking up my friends, stay loyal to yourself and carry on.

Loyalty can be defined as a strong feeling of support or allegiance.
It seems to be a lost art. Two very good friends were fired in the past few months. Both have been with the same company for over ten years. In the sales world, more than ten years with the same company is an anomaly.
They struggled thru the lean years when the economy crashed. Stuck it out when higher paying jobs were available. Loyal to a fault. Both were repaid with pink slips.
Some would say business is not about loyalty from your employees. If that is the case, I will show you a company destined to fail.
We live in a what have you done for me lately environment. My hat is off to any company who values long-term employees, not in words but actions as well.
Keep looking up my friends, stay loyal to yourself and carry on.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

What would you like written on your tombstone

Years ago, I took one of those useless personality profiles that permeate the sales world. It was easy to skew my answers, so the profile fits what the employer wanted. Not meant as a critique of those senseless tests. However, at the end was a question I have never forgotten. “What would you like written on your tombstone.” Most people will joke about it. Sell your beer stock; he was a jackass and proud of it, etc. I took the question seriously, for some reason, and tried to live my life by my answer.

Many times, I have said, about leaving my job, “Give it a few months, and it will be like I was never here.”

No one wants to be forgotten. No one wants to think that the time they’ve spent with someone meant nothing. No one wants to feel like they aren’t important.

Don’t forget where you’re from and it won’t forget about you.

Realize everything you do makes some difference. Pat yourself on the proverbial back now and then. You have tremendous effect on those around you. Look at your friends and you will see you.

Oh, my response to the question. “Today the world is a smaller place.”

Remember you are always in the right place, at the right time if you have the right attitude.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Great success is built on failure, frustration, even catastrophe.

Do winners never quit and quitters never win? I am not a fan of this saying. It implies that if I quit I am a “loser”.

The right to fail is every bit as important as the right to succeed. Give yourself permission to quit. The grind can be a liability if you do not quit that which is not working. Our lives are full of secondary things that we refuse to give up. Give yourself permission to quit. If you have not found a passion, try lots of things, knowing that you will quit most of them.

Great success is built on failure, frustration, even catastrophe.

I am not saying a you should not dream great possibilities. We can become whatever we choose, and invariably we do become that. We are the sum of our choices. I am ever amazed at how many salespeople I meet who have huge dreams. They all can quote, if you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you got. Most keep doing the same thing over and over, If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goal, give yourself permission to quit.

I could give examples that none of us relate to. Ben Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates. Do you think they never gave up? My examples are much more personal and real. Find yours.

After you have given yourself permission.
Find your passion and give yourself the gift of done.