Friday, May 12, 2017

VOB International. What is VOB?

Many have asked. Okay two have asked. Where did VOB come from. Allow me to enlighten.

Michael Connelly* explained it much better than I can.

An excerpt from The Brass Verdict.

“The woman liked to target hotel rooms where men with large amounts of money slept. She knew how to pick them, follow them, then finesse the door locks and the room safes while they slept. In one candid moment she told me of the white hot adrenaline high she got every time the last digit fell into place and she heard the electronic gears of the hotel safe start to move and unlock. Opening the safe and finding what was inside was never as good as that magic moment when the gears began to grind and she felt the velocity of her blood moving in her veins. Nothing before or after was as good as that moment. The jobs were not about the money. They were about the velocity of blood.”

This is the feeling we all get when we make the sale, hit a goal, feel the cheers after a speech and many more.
Now you know, whether you wanted to or not.
Always remember
You are always in the Right Place and Right Time
If you have the Right Attitude

Make it happen

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