Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The other three

Most mornings I run, ok, I walk on a trail near my house. It is next to a stream, has beautiful landscape and is paved. It makes you feel like you are in the mountains. The scenery just fills you with awe. It is a refreshing way to start my day.

There are many people who have the same idea in the mornings as I do. It is a cross section of our society. Woman and men, old and young, running and walking. Some faster than others. I watch as each one passes me trying to guess what their life is like. The really old ones pass me going the other direction. Are they happy? Have they found peace? What is their story?

Most interesting is their reaction to me. I try to make eye contact with everyone and smile. “Good morning,” is my usual greeting. 1 out of 5 will smile and offer the same greeting. 1 out of five will not even make eye contact. It is the reaction of the other 3 I think we all have control over. They will not make eye contact first, smile first or acknowledge first. Yet when they do we both smile and the day is a little brighter. If we are happy, it is contagious. We need to take the lead for most of society. If we smile, most of the world smiles with us. Reach out to the other three every day. It makes a difference. 
Remember, it’s always the right time and place if you have the right attitude

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