Monday, May 22, 2017


I have been to hundreds of training seminars in my career. Been involved with many consultants. Many were amazing, some were so bad I often wondered how they even got the job.

I would love to have some of the consultants sit with me in a real-world situation and watch the reaction of customers or employees when they say some of the things we are told to use.

Most of the training is based on perfect case scenario reactions from customers and sales people. Some trainers make it sound so easy. I have seen many consultants perplexed because no one is taking their advice.

Almost everything they teach sounds the same.
There are many fantastic Consultants and Trainers in the world.

What we all need are some real-world applications.

I have never been trained on how to react when your boss treats you like a dumb ass.

I could go on. I personally love training. Reminders and help are always welcome. What I find difficult is nobody seems to be offering training for the average Joe. Ideas that apply in everyday life.

What are your thoughts?

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