Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Finding Motivation

There are times I find it tough to be motivated, and I wondered, is it necessary to achieve success?

 If you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, you will be successful. I agree with this statement. It is true. But what about the days that you just want to breathe? Does that mean you don’t want to succeed?

Money motivates us all. Not true.  It only motivates when we have none. It is a by-product of what we do. If you are broke, does that mean you are not motivated?

Change your attitude and change your world. William James said, “The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes.” Indeed, you can change your life.

It sounds simple. Change your thoughts, change your life.

Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone or Eric Thomas are wildly successful. All of them tell us it is up to us. Words of Wisdom until we get caught in a trap and compare ourselves to them.  A mistake we all make. We believe they never had any doubts. It is just not true. We all have doubts about our dreams. Use them to motivate yourself. Never get down or feel inadequate because you have doubts. You would be lying to yourself if you said you never did.

What do we do when we lose our motivation? Most of us give up. What is wrong with me? A simple question we all ask ourselves.

There is nothing wrong. The experts who give us advice doubted themselves at some time. We all do. The difference is what we do when the doubt creeps in. Do we quit? If we lose our motivation for a day, does that mean we no longer have a dream?

Find your motivation every day. Never give up on your dream. It is yours. Make it happen.

It is always up to you. 

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