Friday, March 17, 2017

We all Matter

We all matter
My beautiful wife and I just celebrated our 30th anniversary. It is amazing to me and I am sure to many people who know me. She has the patience of Job and should be canonized.

We posted a picture on facebook and Instagram to let the world know. Many people commented or “liked” the post. I will admit it is a nice picture. I probably looked at the two sites more the next day than I had in the previous month. Why? I wanted to see how many likes we could get. I equated them to a good pat on the back. It brightened my outlook on the day. As Sally Fields so infamously stated, “they like me, they really like me.”

I started thinking about why. Every day we all look for some sort of positive reinforcement. We need to matter. How easy it is to give someone a nod or acknowledge what they have done. It is also easy to point out faults and take that feeling away.

Never forget how powerful our words and actions can be.

We all need to matter. We need to be noticed. It is inherent in all of us.
Take some time today and give someone a compliment. Encourage them with words. The reaction will brighten the outlook for them and more importantly for you.

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