Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Leadership is influence

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” - John Quincy Adams

For most organizations, management is common, but Leadership is rare.

When I first started this project, I became very excited about the prospect of helping managers become leaders in their particular field of endeavor.

Most people have never heard of me. I'm not a retired Navy seal. I am not a fighter pilot. I don't give 50-hour seminars to help you improve. What I have done over the last 30 years is put together some surprising teams with the aid of many people.

Whenever I read a book or listen to an audio recording. I always try to find real-world situations that I can apply in my life and my chosen profession. I have found it tough. It’s difficult comparing what many authors tell you to do versus knowledge that applies in the real world. What follows, I believe, is exactly that. A real-world scenario that you can implement and help yourself become a better leader. Perhaps only one item from this book, one chapter will help you change. If I can accomplish that, I have done what I set out to do.

At first glance, many managers, when they start to read this or look at the workbooks put it down and pass it off as the same old stuff. Claiming, this isn't me and pay no attention to it. They would ask. Why does Bob Morgan think that he can tell me what I need to do and not do? I am already very successful at what I do.

Whether it is with this book or some other means. I would hope that managers would take a hard look at what they are doing, what have they achieved, and find something that they can add to their already full repertoire to become real leaders in their industry. They may read something, or find some insight that resonates with them. The light goes on, and they see themselves as they are.

“The greater part of instruction is being reminded of things you already know.”- Greek Philosopher Plato
Come on this journey with me and lets change the world.

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