Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Wrong floor elevator

Last Sunday I got off the elevator on the wrong floor. I went to room 326 and tried my key a few times before I realized my room was 15026, not 10026. As Brian Regan said, “I hate getting off the elevator on the wrong floor? Anyone ever do that, and then you have to turn around and face those people. I feel like I owe everyone in there an explanation.

Subconsciously we go thru life without thinking. Have you ever pulled into work and remembered very little about how you got there?

Imagine the power over our lives we would have if we harnessed the subconscious thought. We could create our own institutional habits and react to our day subconsciously. The power would be incredible. We could accomplish whatever we choose. We would own our reactions to the world. What we have no control over would not control us.

Remember, it is always the right time if we have the right attitude.

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