Tuesday, August 22, 2017

What if you are the worm?

The early bird gets the worm. The advice we have heard our whole lives. Great advice if you are not the worm. If you are, should you procrastinate to live another day? Do we take the opinion of almost every self-help genius and perpetuate the existence of the bird, at a deep sacrifice for our selves?

Is the worm not significant as well? Eric Thomas tells us we need to out grind our competition. Get up earlier than them and work harder. Adam Grant says the opposite, procrastination can be good.

Martin Luther King wrote his most famous speech at 3 o’clock the morning before he addressed the crowd. Studies have shown that we do better work when the pressure is on. We think of the same old ideas when it is not. Put that pressure on us, and we start thinking out side of our usual box.

Where in the clutter do we find our answer? Out grind our competition. Yes, we do. Procrastinate and come up with better ideas? Yes, we do. Take risks and succeed. Yes we, do. Be careful and succeed.  Yes, we do.

If you are the worm, by all means, procrastinate. If you are the bird, out grind the next bird.

There are times in our lives when we are the bird, other times, we are the worm.

Clear the clutter and live your life. Find a balance. Too much of a good thing is still too much. 
Remember, it’s always the right time and place if you have the right attitude.

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