Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Relax and Win.

Relax, enjoy your life. 

Julius Boros was one of the great golfers in history. The easy and relaxed swing was his trademark. Oldest Major winner in history at the age of 48. He would advise any who would listen. I think his greatest advice applies to all of us, not just golfers. He said, “Relax, if you miss a shot or putt, step back, relax and hit it again.”

Relaxed attitude will work like a charm. Our subconscious minds know how to do things.  We will over ride this with a tense consciousness on what we do. This makes our wives wish they had been a little more selective.

The sales person who relaxes is the one who wins. It is the boss who gets along with his team. 

You can enjoy life and your work by taking a relaxed attitude towards everything we do. I am not advocating a lack of intensity. Enjoy.  Remember why. Keep the attitude you came into the job with. Relax.

We get caught up in the little stuff. One of the biggest mistakes we all make is to let the luster fade from our lives. Fighting off staleness is a daily chore.

Laugh and relax. We can be whatever we choose to be.

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