Thursday, September 14, 2017

Fortes fortuna adiuvat

Fortes fortuna adiuvat

One of my least favorite quotes is “Look before you leap.” Look at what? The cliff you are about to jump off. 
Many years ago I failed miserably at marriage. Surprising, I know. I told myself at the time I would look next time before I leaped. Never to marry again. Even told her, don’t get to cozy. I am not taking that leap again. Very risk averse. That is not a phrase most people would use to describe me. I often leap and then look. So, I did with her. 30 risky years later, still crazy after all these years.
Take a chance on yourself. Leap, then look.
As you look back on your career and life to date, where do you wished you’d been a little braver, trusted in yourself more, and been less cautious in the chances you took?
We are innately risk averse. We overestimate the probability of something going wrong. We fear the consequences of it as well. We underestimate our own ability. We do not look at the cost of inaction because we are comfortable.
Leap before you look. You may find a greater purpose, joy, love, fulfillment and money.
Fortes fortuna adiuvat

Fortune favors the bold

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