Thursday, September 28, 2017

We will do little good watering last year’s crops

We will do little good watering last year’s crops or playing with the tragedies of the past like a child in a sandbox.

We have no hope of changing our past, changing things we have done that we should not have, and things left undone that should have been done.

One cannot live adequately in the present nor effectively face the future when one's thoughts are buried in the past.

The only good revenge is no revenge. The moaning of what cannot be changed is a confession of futility and fear.

The best way to break this morbid circle is to do something for someone else.

George Washington gave us great advice concerning our past.

“We ought not to look back unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dearly bought experience.

Look to the future, live and love today. Profit from our dearly bought experience. Change your thoughts and change your life.
Remember, you are always in the right place if you have the right attitude.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Most people believe speed limits are for others

Random thoughts running thru my mind.

Most people believe speed limits are for others.
The less people know, the more they yell.
It's been said that the creative person is essentially a perpetual child and the tragedy seems to be that most of us grow up.

You go to war with the army you have not the one you might want.

A man who trusts nobody is apt to be a man nobody trusts.

We enjoy our successes but learn more from setbacks.

Successful people don't take failure too seriously.

Failing will build less regret than failing to try.

A career decision is not like a marriage.
Adversity introduces a person to himself.
Every problem becomes smaller if we confront them not dodge them.
The only person who could be called a failure is that person who tries to succeed at nothing.

I never stopped trying to qualify for the job.

Why do we worry that in 9000 billion years the sun will die.

As a rule we disbelieve all the facts and theories for which we have no use.

Excellence is an art won by training and habituation.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Fortes fortuna adiuvat

Fortes fortuna adiuvat

One of my least favorite quotes is “Look before you leap.” Look at what? The cliff you are about to jump off. 
Many years ago I failed miserably at marriage. Surprising, I know. I told myself at the time I would look next time before I leaped. Never to marry again. Even told her, don’t get to cozy. I am not taking that leap again. Very risk averse. That is not a phrase most people would use to describe me. I often leap and then look. So, I did with her. 30 risky years later, still crazy after all these years.
Take a chance on yourself. Leap, then look.
As you look back on your career and life to date, where do you wished you’d been a little braver, trusted in yourself more, and been less cautious in the chances you took?
We are innately risk averse. We overestimate the probability of something going wrong. We fear the consequences of it as well. We underestimate our own ability. We do not look at the cost of inaction because we are comfortable.
Leap before you look. You may find a greater purpose, joy, love, fulfillment and money.
Fortes fortuna adiuvat

Fortune favors the bold

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Relax and Win.

Relax, enjoy your life. 

Julius Boros was one of the great golfers in history. The easy and relaxed swing was his trademark. Oldest Major winner in history at the age of 48. He would advise any who would listen. I think his greatest advice applies to all of us, not just golfers. He said, “Relax, if you miss a shot or putt, step back, relax and hit it again.”

Relaxed attitude will work like a charm. Our subconscious minds know how to do things.  We will over ride this with a tense consciousness on what we do. This makes our wives wish they had been a little more selective.

The sales person who relaxes is the one who wins. It is the boss who gets along with his team. 

You can enjoy life and your work by taking a relaxed attitude towards everything we do. I am not advocating a lack of intensity. Enjoy.  Remember why. Keep the attitude you came into the job with. Relax.

We get caught up in the little stuff. One of the biggest mistakes we all make is to let the luster fade from our lives. Fighting off staleness is a daily chore.

Laugh and relax. We can be whatever we choose to be.