Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Thankful musings

I am thankful for...

the mess and noise in my house this week because it means I have been surrounded by grand kids.

the taxes I pay because it means I live in the greatest country in the world

a lawn that needs mowing,
because it means I have a home.

singing in the shower because I can

every one who says hi in the morning on the trail because it means I am walking.

all of the complaining I hear about Trump because it
means we have freedom of speech.

My wife singing off key in the car because it makes me smile.

Sunday dinner with my family because it means we love each other

the alarm that goes off in the early hours of the morning
because it means I get to drink coffee and read the newspaper.

Seeing blue skies in the morning because it means I can see.

weariness and aching
muscles at the end of the day because it means I have been productive.

Thunder  because it means I can hear.

Listening to music because it changes your perspective.

I am just thankful.

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