Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Slow down sometimes.

I’ve come to realize, more and more, that I’m always rushing.

I rush from one task to the next, rush through eating my food, impatient for meditation to be over, rushing through reading something, rushing to get somewhere, anxious to get a task or project finished.
I think it is not just me it is our society.

We see signs of it everywhere.

Parking at the entrance to the store, it saves you ten seconds. A car races around you, saves ten more seconds only to have you pull up next to them at the stoplight. Walk past all the cashiers for the shortest line only to come back to the first one. Save, save, save. Is it greed? Our time is more valuable than anyone else.

Simon and Garfunkel said it best, “Slow down your moving to fast, you have to make the morning last you.”

At the end of the day, how much time did we really save, and what do we do with all those extra seconds.

Smile, slow down sometimes. It is ok to take your time and just enjoy life.

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