Thursday, February 16, 2017


The starting point is to believe that you can change. If you don’t believe it, then you wont do it. I’m not asking you to think it’s going to be easy or an overnight thing, just that in principal you’re up for the task. The hardest sales people that I have to deal with are ones that lack commitment and/or belief because most of my time is spent working on those issues and they are seldom the ones that prompted the contact.

The starting point after the original starting point that we just started is to understand that ALL your feelings stem from your thoughts. If you are in a bad mood and the attitude has climbed onboard and taken over the controls, it’s because you invited it. You thought about it and said "Come on in." In all likelihood it was done at an unconscious level, so don’t start arguing with me just because you can’t remember thinking negatively before you hurled a tirade of abuse at the Jehovah’s Witness.

You can think very quickly and very efficiently at an unconscious level. You’ve had years and years of practice. Imagine how good you would be if you did nothing but practice filleting fish 8 hours a day for 5 years. You’d be a fish filleter par excellence and people would be traveling from far and wide to see you remove dem bones, dem bones, dem, wet bones…probably. Well forget the fish, because you’ve been practicing your thinking 24 hours per day for however many years you’ve been alive, so you’re even better at THAT. There’s always stuff going on at an unconscious level unless you are either a very good meditator or a bit dead, so the practice keeps building on itself.
Remember to be aware of what your thoughts are.

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