Wednesday, October 3, 2018

It’s your life and your business. Do you have one more degree? One more stroke? One last turn?

Two hundred and eleven degrees is hot—hot enough to burn you and to melt butter. Put 211-degree water in a locomotive, and nothing happens. Heat that water one degree, and a several-ton locomotive begins to move. What power comes from just one degree.
In the last 25 years, in all the major golf tournaments, the average margin of victory has been less than three strokes. Three strokes out of 288 is one small difference. Number one in the world on the PGA Tour earnings stand at over $8,000,000 for the year and number one hundred at $1,200,060. The average-per-round difference is less than two strokes—$7,000,000 for less than two strokes per round.
In 2016, the margin of victory for the men’s 100 meter was .08 seconds—less than one/tenth of a second between gold and immortality or silver, obscurity, and an answer to a trivia question.
At the Indy 500 over the last 10 years, the average margin of victory has been 1.54 seconds. The first-place prize money has averaged $2.578,813, and second place is $921,321, which is a difference of over $1,600,000 for 1.54 seconds in a 500-mile race.
One extra degree will run a locomotive across America; one less degree, and it will just keep you warm.
One extra degree can make all the difference.
To get what we have never had, we must do what we have never done. Belief fuels enthusiasm and explodes into passion. It ignites our minds and hearts and makes us act. It fires our hearts and souls. It helps us to achieve that one extra degree in business and life. It separates the good from the great.

It’s your life and your business. Do you have one more degree? One more stroke? One last turn?

“The only thing that stands in the way of a person and what they want is the will to try it and the faith to believe it possible.”

Believe it, try it, put your heart into it, and let your mind believe it is you. Your subconscious will make it happen.
- Partial credit to the 212th degree.

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