Thursday, May 31, 2018

Tattoo of Popeye

In 2001, I got a Tattoo of Popeye on my upper right arm. Everyone asked why a cartoon. You will have a cartoon on your arm forever. A Popeye that looks like you? There were many comments about it. Mostly about my cartoon nature, never taking life seriously.

As a cartoon character, Popeye was wise. Every episode he said something we all should live our lives around. “ I am what I am.”

Many will criticize this. We should not excuse our behavior because it is what we are. If this is your thought, I will agree. Saying I am what I am, does not justify our behavior in any way. The silver rule should always apply. 
Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you."

I digress. This is not the meaning I take from Popeye's saying.

Be comfortable with who you are, make mistakes, admit them quickly, do not judge, who you are is enough. Billy Joel sings of the stranger we hide away forever. Hide less, show more.

Work every day to be better than yesterday. Little things can create significant changes. Accept those around you, flaws and all.

If you have to be perfect to be loved, find someone else.

Warts are not necessarily bad traits.

I am not advocating, being stubborn, or using this as an excuse for lousy behavior. We cannot justify some actions, or we will die lonely.

I am saying we all need to love ourselves. Find that person. Be that person. It is okay to be you. Sometimes we make a mistake, we are all different, yet we are all alike.

Most people feel as you do about themselves. In times of darkness, we are who we are. Love that person, be that person. Continue to improve but love yourself.

“ Do not do to yourself that which you would not do to others.

Remember you are always in the right place, at the right time, if you have the right attitude.

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