Friday, April 6, 2018

A Fable called Motivation

A Fable called Motivation




1.      A short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral.

synonyms: moral tale · parable · apologue · allegory · bestiary



1.      tell fictitious tales.

"I do not dream nor fable."

I suppose it is a little harsh to call stories about Motivation Fables. Perhaps it is not. We all want to hear about someone who has it worse than we do overcoming their adversity and shining. I applaud anyone who has. I cannot relate to hacking off my hand to survive. These stories give us inspiration and hope. If I want to succeed as bad as I want to breathe, I will be successful. Successful with this much adversity, I should be able to as well.

When we fail, we become our worst critic. It is easy to sit up and take notice, what is difficult is getting up and acting. Everything can be improved. It is the role of the human being to improve your life and world.

Truth takes over from this fable called Motivation, and we are what we are. Can you change? Surely you can. For most of us that change will not come from walking across coals. It will give you a great story but not motivate you to reach your potential.

I have been to many seminars about how to achieve success. Most motivational speaking gets us to act for a few days, then has the opposite effect. Our thoughts turn contrary; it is so easy for everyone I must be a loser. Anyone can do this if I think positive thoughts it should happen. I am a loser, oh what a loser I am. The seminar or training has the unintended effect of turning our thoughts detrimental.

We all can and should find peace and happiness. Take small steps. Its ok to want just to pay your bills, to only be able to walk down the street. You are not less a citizen because you cannot find your success as easy as it always seems to come to others. For every success story, there are hundreds of stories about just surviving. Does that make them less compelling? Does not. These stories should inspire us more.

What thoughts stop us. Where you are in life is a direct result of the views that prevent us from success as well as propel us forward. How difficult is it to think about this when all you are focused on is paying rent, or buying food?

Change is uncomfortable; there is a scientific name. Conscious dissonance.

Why do some succeed, some fail, some just living enough to breathe.

Without a catastrophic event to help you change, how do you do it?

Real success comes from accepting you, improving you. Stop comparing yourself to others. It is okay to want to emulate someone; I want to be like them. We must stop comparing ourselves to others. I cannot say this enough. Experts give us the same advice. Set goals, write them down, think positive thoughts, Act as if, should I go on? What most fail to do is give you advice on what to do when you quit. The challenge is to be happy with you, set your goals for you. Stop comparing you to others. If you want to be the fastest man in the world, your goal should not be to beat Usain Bolt. Set your goal to be faster tomorrow than today. Break it down for you. Small changes create tsunamis of effect.

One small change at a time. Do not look at the whole picture and expect it to change. Find the discipline to change one little thing at a time. Your focus can still be on paying the rent or buying food. Perhaps you should let the small stuff that bothers you go. Stop yelling at drivers on the road. Quit worrying about that which you have no control.

Your success is up to you.

Remember, you are always in the right place at the right time, if you have the right attitude.

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