Thursday, January 25, 2018

My Grandson has become my teacher.

My Grandson has become my teacher. Children can be very wise. Yesterday we had a discussion that somehow turned into a negotiation. He is a master, and I am the grasshopper. He never gives up. I find it refreshing and fascinating. It's like he reads Grant Cardone instead of Curious George.

His latest insight comes in the form of unimportant accidents. He spilled his lemonade across the counter and on some of my papers. Looking at me expecting a harsh response he said, “It’s okay, I did not do it on purpose. “ I asked him what he meant. “Well if I did it on purpose you could get mad, I did not. It was an accident Grandpa.” His unintended lesson to this grasshopper. When an action is intentional, it takes on more significant meaning. Accidents are easy to forgive and move past.

Do we live our life with a purpose or do we live accidentally? If I asked you to write down your purpose, whether work, relationships, life. Could you do it without thinking? We all could come up with something if we are forced to think about it.

The idea of living an accidental life is frightening, yet that is what most of us do. If you are waiting for something good to happen in work relationships or life, you are living an accidental life.

Stop what you are doing and think about it for a moment. Jobs, relationships, friends. All things that are critically important to a fulfilling life left to happen by accident.

How can you know what to do with your time, if you are waiting and living a life by accident?

Decide now to live a life on purpose. Set your course towards that which we desire.

Life is a gift, take the time to live yours on purpose.

Remember we are always in the right place at the right time, if we have the right attitude.

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