Thursday, January 25, 2018

My Grandson has become my teacher.

My Grandson has become my teacher. Children can be very wise. Yesterday we had a discussion that somehow turned into a negotiation. He is a master, and I am the grasshopper. He never gives up. I find it refreshing and fascinating. It's like he reads Grant Cardone instead of Curious George.

His latest insight comes in the form of unimportant accidents. He spilled his lemonade across the counter and on some of my papers. Looking at me expecting a harsh response he said, “It’s okay, I did not do it on purpose. “ I asked him what he meant. “Well if I did it on purpose you could get mad, I did not. It was an accident Grandpa.” His unintended lesson to this grasshopper. When an action is intentional, it takes on more significant meaning. Accidents are easy to forgive and move past.

Do we live our life with a purpose or do we live accidentally? If I asked you to write down your purpose, whether work, relationships, life. Could you do it without thinking? We all could come up with something if we are forced to think about it.

The idea of living an accidental life is frightening, yet that is what most of us do. If you are waiting for something good to happen in work relationships or life, you are living an accidental life.

Stop what you are doing and think about it for a moment. Jobs, relationships, friends. All things that are critically important to a fulfilling life left to happen by accident.

How can you know what to do with your time, if you are waiting and living a life by accident?

Decide now to live a life on purpose. Set your course towards that which we desire.

Life is a gift, take the time to live yours on purpose.

Remember we are always in the right place at the right time, if we have the right attitude.

Monday, January 15, 2018

We conform! Most of us are acting like the wrong percentage group

The Strangest Secret
Do you know what will happen to 100 individuals who start even at the age of 25, and who believe they will be successful? By the age of 65, only five out of 100 will make the grade! Why do so many fail? What happened to the sparkle that was there when they were 25? What became of their dreams, their hopes, their plans ... and why is there such a large disparity between what theses people intended to do and what they actually accomplished? That is ... The Strangest Secret.

Some years ago, the late Nobel prize-winning Dr. Albert Schweitzer was asked by a reporter, “Doctor, what’s wrong with men today?; The great doctor was silent a moment, and then he said, “Men simply don’t think!”

It’s about this that I want to talk with you. We live today in a golden age. This is an era that humanity has looked forward to, dreamed of, and worked toward for thousands of years. We live in the richest era that ever existed on the face of the earth ... a land of abundant opportunity for everyone.

However, if you take 100 individuals who start even at the age of 25, do you have any idea what will happen to those men and women by the time they’re 65? These 100 people believe they’re going to be successful. They are eager toward life, there is a certain sparkle in their eye, an erectness to their carriage, and life seems like a pretty interesting adventure to them.

But by the time they’re 65, only one will be rich, four will be financially independent, five will still be working, and 54 will be broke — depending on others for life’s necessities.

Only five out of 100 make the grade! Why do so many fail? What has happened to the sparkle that was there when they were 25? What has become of the dreams, the hopes, the plans ... and why is there such a large disparity between what these people intended to do and what they actually accomplished?


First, we have to define success and here is the best definition I’ve ever been able to find: “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”

A success is the school teacher who is teaching because that’s what he or she wants to do. A success is the entrepreneur who start his own company because that was his dream — that’s what he wanted to do. A success is the salesperson who wants to become the best salesperson in his or her company and sets forth on the pursuit of that goal.

A success is anyone who is realizing a worthy predetermined ideal, because that’s what he or she decided to do ... deliberately. But only one out of 20 does that! The rest are “failures.”

Rollo May, the distinguished psychiatrist, wrote a wonderful book called Man’s Search for Himself, and in this book he says: “The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice … it is conformity.” And there you have the reason for so many failures. Conformity — people acting like everyone else, without knowing why or where they are going.

We learn to read by the time we’re seven. We learn to make a living by the time we’re 30. Often by that time we’re not only making a living, we’re supporting a family. And yet by the time we’re 65, we haven’t learned how to become financially independent in the richest land that has ever been known. Why?
We conform! Most of us are acting like the wrong percentage group — the 95 who don’t succeed.

I cannot take credit for this work. I want to share The Strangest Secret. If you have not listened to Earl Nightingale and The Strangest Secret, stop what you are doing, find the audio clip and listen. If you truly desire something different, this will change your life.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Forgotten 80

Do you come to self-confidence naturally, or like most of us is it a daily struggle?

Do you come to self-confidence naturally, or like most of us is it a daily struggle?

The self confidence of most of us wavers day to day. It leaves us too timid at just the wrong time. Whether you are gifted with confidence or could use a boost with your life, put in place a few strategies and your inner confidence will grow daily.

Regardless of what you think, you are right. If you think you can, you will. If you think you are not capable, or that you will fail, more than likely you are right. If you think you are brilliant, can accomplish anything you decide to do, more than likely, you are right.

Follow these ten steps to confidence. Pick one or two, pick five or all ten. One day at a time you will build your confidence. Every day will bring more strength. 

1.    It’s not about you.

There is never a reason to link someone's behavior to you. Peoples actions rarely have anything to do with you. Your reaction to the environment around you has everything to do with you. It is your choice. Remember someone else's actions are rarely about you. It is easy to read others actions and see it as a slight to us. People are people. There is never need to link their reaction to our happiness.

2.    Buy clothes that fit.

If we feel good, we look good; we exude confidence. Every time we leave home and think we look good we are much more confident. Don't wait until you have arrived at some magical time. Love what you’re wearing, and the world is likely to love it too.

3.    Keep laughing.

Laugh, laugh every day. If you find your mood is dark, make way for laughter. Laughter truly is the best medicine. Don’t overdo it but some levity brings great confidence. Laughter releases the tension that builds every day.

4.    Embrace the quiet.

We do not have to fill every waking moment with activity. Learn to meditate. Be comfortable being alone with your thoughts. It will breed confidence and solutions. Again, embrace the quiet.

5.    Make a budget.

The most prominent worries in our life are almost always financial. Confidence does not necessarily come with a lot of cash. It still comes with knowing how to handle your finances. Not spending all your energy worrying about money frees you to be whatever you choose.

6.    Don’t gossip.

None of us like it when someone gossips about us. Spreading lies or half-truths. Sometimes it makes us feel accepted and in the loop. Think, you want to be included in this loop? No one becomes better by spreading gossip.

7.    Do what you say you are going to, say what you are going to do.

A man indeed is weak if he gives up his honor. Do what you say you will do. Confidence comes when you do not have to decide, the decision is already made at a subconscious level.

8.    Make peace with your body.

You always want to improve your health, stay active. It is essential to your well being and health. That said, no matter your size, wrinkles shape, know you deserve respect and love from all around you. Confidence will be your guide.

9.    Understand you know more than you think you do.

I often caution people to remember we are all different and we are. We all get caught in a trap that everyone knows more than us, and we are going to be exposed as a fraud. It is just not right. Give your self-benefit you know more than you think you do. Admit when you do not have an answer. A massive step to building your daily confidence.

10.Be enthusiastic.

Be happy, be excited and let everyone know. Playing it cool was great for high school. It ignores your emotions and buries the real you. Your enthusiasm will be contagious as will the confidence it gives you.

Remember, you are always in the right place, at the right time if you have the right attitude.

Credit to Fake it till you make it