Wednesday, December 6, 2017

What if you are not a Navy Seal?

Should you just give up? Most motivational training makes us feel inadequate. It is no wonder we do not keep at it every day. Don't you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe? Some of us just want to breathe.
Years ago, I was sitting in a training class, the instructor was very well-known. Rumor had it he was the number one sales man in the US of A. He sold 70-80 cars a month.  He had his own staff to make calls, send out his mail and make appointments. I was listening to every word he said. I am as good as this guy, I kept thinking, I should be able to do it as well. Why wasn’t I? Every thought was negative. I was lazy, a procrastinator, if I really wanted to it would happen.

He gave us all some advice, I never took it. Almost all the training was based on scenarios we never encountered or if you followed it made you very uncomfortable.

 At the time, I kept this to myself. I did not voice this opinion for fear it would make me look weak. I knew if I say that to a customer they will walk away. There is no way he followed his own training and was successful in building the trust he needed. As you can guess, the rest of the day was wasted. Could I have sold 70 cars a month? Sure. Did I want to? Not really.

The seeds of my passion were planted that day in Scottsdale.

There is no training for the average person out there.

What happened. The little guy gets left in the dust. What if your goals are average, you don’t care about being the top dog in the country.

Real world training and understanding. How does that filter down to the average person? On a team of 20 people, 4 will make all the money. 16 will be average or less. You want to be successful, focus on the 16. 4 want to succeed as bad as they want to breathe, 16 just want to breathe and maybe laugh now and then.

One of the lies we all believe is there are no good people out there. We buy into the illusion that millennials are lazy, Gen X wants everything for nothing, and baby boomers think the young generation do not know how to work. If we only focus on the top dog of course there are no good people out there.

The focus for all. Not just the few. We all cannot be Navy seals. To the amazing few, salute. For the rest of us, we can learn. Focus, Believe, Understand. Be happy, its okay to be who we are. Do not be disappointed if you are not the top dog. Quit comparing yourself to others. Your competition is you. Better today than yesterday. Focus on you. Believe in you. Set your goals about you. Be better every day.

Remember you are always in the right place at the right time if you have the right attitude.

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