Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Asking to Give

I must begin this with a caveat. Anyone who knows me also knows that I am a very generous man. That being said what is up with all the stores asking at checkout, " Do you want to round up for the free willy fund?" If you say no, you get the cheapskate look. We are destined to feel guilty because we said no.
I appreciate the fundraising, it is vital. Just stop with the asking me at every store I go in.
I watched two older ladies say yes when I could tell they lived on social security and probably could not afford a dollar. It felt like a con taking advantage of them. Perhaps I am wrong and they could afford it. Their hesitation told me otherwise.
Give to your favorite charity, give of your time.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

One Step

One small change creates amazing benefits.

Is there really a fine line between success and failure?

I was watching the masters this year and this thought kept going thru my head. Justin and Sergio both missed putts by less than an inch that would have won the Masters for them. An inch, one putt. 
 If you have an Opportunity to see a steam locomotive start up, pay attention to what happens at 211 degrees. Nothing. Add one degree to 212 degrees. The train starts to leave the station. One degree. Is this the small change we need to become successful? You will never know if the next step is the 212 degree step unless you take it. “Put one foot in front of the other and soon you will be walking out the door.”

Friday, April 7, 2017

Pizza and Communication

 With the advent of our mobile society, many have lost the skill to communicate effectively. A couple days ago I ordered a Pizza for take-out. The girl I ordered from seemed less than thrilled about me calling. I asked about thin crust and she quickly informed me that they have only one crust. Not rude just very matter of fact. I waited the requisite thirty minutes and then went to pick up my order. I let them know I was there for my take-out.

I waited another thirty minutes, no order. I was ignored by every employee who came to the counter. Finally I asked about my order. Oh my, it got dropped on the floor and forgotten. I got excuses from everyone. It seems they had not planned for the spring break business.

The lack of communication was terrible. We all make mistakes and most of us are willing to overlook the mistakes if we know what is happening. All they wanted to do was place blame. I did not care whose fault it was. I was disappointed in the lack of respect for my time.

My advice to them was simple. Don’t make excuses, communicate clearly what has happened, do not place blame and let the customer know exactly what you are doing to fix the issue. Most of us are very understanding. When you handle a difficult situation quickly customers can become your biggest allies.