Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The America of my Youth

I keep seeing posts. “Bring back America of my youth. When America was America. Repost if you agree.”  Trying to figure out which America.

The America of my Youth.

I lost many friends fighting a war for no reason. Worried everyday I would get drafted.

We had a President who was a racist crook.

We had protests for civil rights, against war, love and peace. Police clubbed them, peppered sprayed them, fire hosed them with impunity.

You had to sit at the back of the bus or come in the back door depending on the color of your skin. Some places you could not even enter.

Husbands could beat their wives and suffer no consequences because they must have deserved it. Women were to stay in the home and have dinner ready. Mrs. Cleaver was a role model.

Priests could abuse children and still preach on Sunday. We just did not talk about that.

4741 people were lynched with no justice, last one in 1981 by the KKK.

Should I go on?

This is the USA you wish to bring back? It is already here.