Thursday, May 28, 2020

An open letter to America

An open letter to America,

Republicans- Blaming the Democrats does not work.

Democrats- Blaming the Republicans does not work.

Congress- a stimulus bill should be about the little guy who is affected by the virus shutdown. The guy worried about buying milk. None of you have suffered. Stop adding your pet agendas to every stimulus bill. Stop bailing out big corporations with tax cuts and deregulation's that line the pockets of billionaires.

Get off your ass and go to work for the American people. The rest of the world looks at us like spoiled brats calling each other names.

Finger pointing and name calling shows us who matters. Stop, go to work. Be a part of the solution.

Stop showing us how worthless you are, we voted for you and regret it. Get to work. Together

To all of us,

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Love, A concerned citizen