Thursday, October 3, 2019

20 Thoughts for Life

1.    Write on paper what you want and read it daily. Filter your decisions through it.
2.    Don’t chase the money dream. It is elusive. Chase the behaviors that align with your list of wants and the money dream will become reality
3.    Stop talking about winning and start doing the actions that create the kind of outcome you want. If you do that, the results take care of themselves.
4.    Focus on what you can control and let go of what you can’t.
5.    My favorite book of all time is How to Win Friends and Influence People. It changed my life.
6.    As a Leader, you’re only as good as your team.
7.    Laughing as I did as a kid is just as relevant today, and no one laughs at me as much as I do.
8.    My favorite time of day is the morning, as the sun is rising, and no one else in the house is up. It’s when I meditate and anticipate the day.
9.    There are times when life will get hard – remember, I can do hard.
10.Yesterday is over. You have no hope of changing it. Let it go and learn.
11.Create a system for yourself. Design it so easy, small acts push you to your goal.
12.Life is too short to burn bridges. Just don’t.
13.Fear creates a world we don’t love and keeps us from realizing there can be more. Stop and ask, why do I fear?
14.Responding instead of reacting to situations is your key to handling them without any regret.
15.Money will never make you happy. Happiness comes from the inside out.
16.Self-awareness is the first step in leading others effectively. Know how others see you.
17.Uninvited, unwanted, unwelcome change shows up in our lives at times. It feels scary until we reframe it and believe this, change isn’t happening to me; change is happening for me.
18.I am grateful for those times in my life when I failed. I learned more from failing than winning, except I like winning better.
19.You can talk all you want; Actions speak louder than words. Period.
  1. Embrace the still quiet times, its when the best ideas happen.