Friday, May 17, 2019

Our world is run by the 10% minority

Our world is run by the 10% minority. Our country is not run by a majority. It is the vocal minority from right and left. Todays politics have allowed a vocal minority from both sides to bring their opinions to the world.  Our politicians are to afraid to voice a contrary opinion. Fearful of what this minority will do. 20 years ago, the hint of a scandal took down the presidential favorite. He had to drop out. Two years ago, a recording of a presidential candidate saying vile things about women did nothing. Paying off two women. Cheating on his wife while pregnant. Nothing.
The best the extreme left can do. 20 plus people running for president, useless investigations instead of trying to work across aisles and accomplish what is best for our country. Anything but Trump has been the rallying cry. Sounds a lot like Jason Chaffetz and his anything but Obama or Clinton investigations.
Democrat or Republican. It has become the norm to call each other vile names, to spread fake stories at the same time we are calling the media the enemy. The only opinion that matters is yours. If I disagree, call me names and bully me.
It is the prevailing opinion of Utah legislature as well. A majority vote means nothing. The vocal minority is all that matters. They know better than the rest of us. Two examples, John Curtis and Gary Herbert. Both would not have been in the race if the only way in was the vocal minority. They both won their races by a landslide. This is how we take back our country.
I am amazed at the opinion of many of my friends. I did not realize they were such activists. Facebook has given them a forum to disparage anyone on the left. I am saddened by their attitude of isolationism and to hell with everyone else.
I also know we all can have whatever opinion we want.
I do not think our country is as divided as it appears. Unfortunately, all that needs to happen for the vocal minority to win, the rest of us do nothing.
I ask all of us to stop. Smell the roses. Our country is wonderful. We are as diverse as the world. Do not let “The Lunatic Fringe” be our motto.
Find a way to work together. Our constitution was written by the left, middle and right. Let’s do it again.
I refuse to accept this new norm. My father taught me to respect everyone. No bullying, no name calling. Your opinion is important, even if it is different than mine.
The majority know the way. Let the world hear our voice.