Thursday, June 21, 2018

Bad attitudes are like a cold

There is a story of two men who decided to go duck hunting. They came out on a boat early in the morning. After shooting the first duck, one of the hunters, who brought along a dog, sent his dog to fetch the duck. The dog leaped from the boat, ran across the surface of the water, and retrieved the duck. The dog’s owner smiled with pride, but the other hunter said nothing.

A while later, they shot another duck. Again, the dog scampered across the water and retrieved the duck. Again, the second hunter was silent. Finally, the dog’s owner said, “Did you notice anything particular about my new dog?” To this, the second hunter replied,

“Yes, he can’t swim.”

It seems people find the negative in any situation. Some people are only happy when they are unhappy. Bad attitudes are like a cold. When someone has one, it is very contagious. If we don’t take some preventive medicine, we can catch it as well.

Most people think they have a great attitude. A great attitude is a discipline. You may be thinking that all this focus on attitude stifles opinion about how to become better. On the contrary, it gives an open forum to discuss actions that concern you and how to make it better.

If you seek something different, make a different decision.